Veenit Kumar


Welcome to my homepage! I am Veenit Kumar, a upcoming software engineer from India who is passionate about C++, Competitive Programming and Open Source!

I take notes in Zettelkasten style using Neuron which is also used to generate this website.


I am a Student Developer working in the pgRouting under OSGeo at Google Summer of Code. I am doing my B.Tech. in CSE from Netaji Subhash Engineering College Kolkata. I have worked on language servers for C++ and Boost Graph Library.

In a previous life, I did CP.

My dev setup is Ubuntu 21.04. I’m in the process of transitioning to MacOS.

Although I am not a very artsy person, I like to think I have a good taste (thanks to Levi!) in films (Letterboxd) and music (, Spotify) and would love to exchange recommendations.

My name is pronounced as Vee v + nit. I go by the online alias veenits123.



Under construction 🚧.

Contact me

Feel free to drop me an e-mail or follow me on GitHub and Twitter! I hangout on IRC (#veenits123) and Discord (vee_nits123#1141).

You can also see my résumé and LinkedIn.